Old Nokia Snake Game Now For Android

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Old Nokia Snake Game Now For Android

Those who say that old Nokia keypad phones are part of history, here's a punch for them all. Though almost no one use those devices nowadays but it left the best of it behind The 'snake' game!
Here is the latest version according to all the requirements just like what todays smartphone gamer will love to have.

The game is titled 'Snake Rewind'
The creator of this awesome game Taneli Aramanto with support of Rumilus revamped and re-released the game to the game playstore for Android devices.
Ofcourse the game has really nice graphical colour effects which makes it great to play.
As supposed to be added, the game has good sound effects and match with the theme, with settings for language and controls.

The game is challenging and really addictive if you are an Arcade games love, even if you haven't played the Nokia snake, the moment you start playing this awesome concept, you would be a hardcore fan of it! 

Download it right now and challenge your friends just as we used to do when we used to have our lovely Nokia 3310. 

Tell us how you like the game or not. If you know any similar game which brings back our memory do tell us in comments

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